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MET Governance Review 2020

As Members, LGB governors and Trustees will be aware, over the last few months we have been reviewing MET’s governance model. We are now in a position to present the proposed new model to you, and to enter a period of consultation.

We propose launching a new governance model from January 2021.

We have compiled the following information to explain the model and to enable you to provide your feedback on it. It is important that as many governance volunteers as possible take part in the consultation to express queries and to present constructive comments.

There are a number of steps which we would like you to follow below. Undertaking each step of the process outlined below will mean that you need to set aside c. 1 – 1.5 hours if you are viewing and responding in one sitting.

Step 1: A presentation from MET’s CEO, Chris Stansfield, outlining the rationale for the proposed governance model, the roles of the governance bodies across the various levels of the structure, and an overview of the typical agenda items which each body is likely to consider.

Time required: 30 mins



Step 2: A presentation from MET’s Company Secretary & Clerk to Board, Rachel Middleton, outlining the practical considerations of the model, including the role of critical friends and support mechanisms for Chairs, the new Scheme of Delegation, the order and regularity of meetings, communication; and the role of clerks.

Time required: 25 mins



Step 3: Download the proposed governance model pdf below. Have this to hand as a point of reference as you progress through Step 4.

Step 4: Consultation: Click on the link to the MET Governance Review questionnaire. Please note that your answers cannot be saved partially, and you will need to complete this in one sitting.  The response deadline is 30th June 2020, at 12 noon.

Time required: 30+ mins, depending on the extent to which you provide constructive narrative in response to questions

MET Governance Review Questionnaire for stakeholders

Step 5: Following the questionnaire collation and interpretation activity, we will schedule opportunities for you to join us on a short video/telecon where we will present any revisions and give you a final opportunity to comment on the model and its specifics.

Step 6: The MET Board will meet on 15th July 2020, to consider a final model. The Board will determine whether to approve and formally adopt the governance model.

Step 6: The MET Members will be asked to endorse and approve the necessary changes to the Articles of Association, which are the Trust’s instruments of governance.


Thank you for your time and support. This is greatly appreciated by the Trust Board.

If you have any queries please direct them to:

Chris Stansfield, MET CEO: [email protected]

Rachel Middleton, MET Company Secretary & Clerk to Board: [email protected]