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Our Members

Elaine Welsh

Elaine Welsh is a founding Member of the Trust.

Elaine has been involved with Trust schools for 15 years, and through her employment within educational publishing, she is able to bring a wealth of experience about current practices in the sector to her role with the Trust.

Siobhan Connelly

Appointed as a Member 15.12.22

Conroy Godber

Conroy is a Retired Aerospace Engineering and IT Manager.

All his 3 children attended John Ferneley. He joined as a parent governor in 1986. He was Chair of John Ferneley governors for 20 years, then Chair of Mowbray Education Trust for the first 2 years. He is a founding Member of Mowbray Education Trust.

He cares passionately about improving the quality of education for our students and has been involved in all the reorganisations in Melton Mowbray. Conroy is a member of Melton Mowbray Lions Club, a charity serving the local area. He has been Region Chair, Zone Chair, President, Secretary and Treasurer.

Dawn O'Higgins

Dawn O'Higgins was appointed a Member of the Trust in May 2017.

Prior to retirement, Dawn worked in education for over 30 years and has been through many of the changes that have impacted upon our schools, and the sector.

She was formerly the Business Manager at John Ferneley College and helped lead the College through the academisation process as one of the first academies in Leicestershire, in 2011.

Denise Reed

Initially a teacher in the primary sector, Denise’s career evolved via educational publishing and public relations (including The Budgerigar Information Bureau) to the coordinator of Pedigree Masterfoods Education Centre.

Denise’s own consultancy followed and included a variety of education/animal linked work and for a while an insightful period as part-time manager of a team of dedicated volunteers with Witness Service and Victim Support. Denise’s first clerking role was in 1996 and this grew to cover many schools across Leicestershire and Lincolnshire. Denise was formerly a clerk to the MET Board.