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​Children First

World Book Day

Schools across the Trust came up with some creative ways to celebrate World Book Day and animate the importance of reading!


Pupils and staff at Brownlow Primary School were encouraged to dress as their favourite book character for the day, as you can see there were many fantastic efforts!

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The children at Oasis Preschool & Retreat enjoyed a day of hands-on activities based around one of their favourite books, 'Dear Zoo'. 

ImageAb Kettleby Primary School

Ab Kettleby Primary School students have had a wonderful week celebrating their love of books. Parents and grandparents came and read stories during lessons, and special guests also came to read during assemblies!  

Somerby Primary School

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Pupils at Somerby Primary School also had great fun creating their own weird and wacky adventure stories in English lessons. Inspired by the World Book Day story ‘Choose Your Own Adventure’ by Pippa Goodhart, children were challenged to develop their writing skills and use a wide range of literary techniques and language.


Sherard Primary School

There were so many fantastic outfits from pupils and staff! We spotted headteacher Mrs Blumfield, and Assistant Headteacher Miss Pooler, as 'Little Miss and Mr Men' characters!

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Iveshead School & John Ferneley College

OImageur secondary schools, Iveshead School and John Ferneley College, continue with their reading rampage! Staff and pupils at John Ferneley College also enjoyed a World Book Day Photo Booth, which was a roaring success! Thank you to Mrs Neath and Mrs Newman for all your hard work on and leading up to the big day!






All our pupils also received book tokens or vouchers to help continue their reading journey!