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​Children First

Somerby and Ab Kettleby Primary Schools Achieve School Mental Health Award!

We are delighted to announce that Ab Kettleby and Somerby Primary Schools have achieved silver status in the School Mental Health Award. The Award is validated by the Carnegie School of Education, based at Leeds Beckett University, and provides a framework to evidence practices in schools that work towards improving emotional health and wellbeing for both staff and pupils.
Over the last six months, Ab Kettleby and Somerby Primary Schools have put together a portfolio of evidence under a number of competencies: Leadership and Strategy, Organisational Structure and Culture, Support for Staff, Pupils and Parents, Professional Development and Working with External Stakeholders, to validate their good practice. The Award acknowledges the work involved in keeping children mentally active and the positive working environment which has been created, where staff feel supported and able to share the concerns that are affecting their mental health.
Ab Kettleby and Somerby Primary Schools offer children a wide range of strategies to support their mental health and wellbeing, underpinned by the PSHE Curriculum (Personal, Social, Health and Economic). Children talk openly about their emotions, work hard every day to develop positive mental health and wellbeing, and take the time to notice how others are feeling.
Children are taught strategies to aid their wellbeing to be used in times of self-regulation, such as yoga or breathing exercises, and are encouraged to make someone’s day by offering an act of kindness. In addition to this, encouraging words from adults in school are as important for developing children’s confidence and self-esteem.
For staff across the two schools, there is an openness in acknowledging staff needs and the importance of balance with respect to their personal and professional lives. This is assisted through a culture of open dialogue relating to mental health and wellbeing, in which staff are encouraged to have the confidence to speak to senior leaders.
“As the trained Senior Mental Health Lead for the schools, I’m aware that the number of children with a diagnosed mental health disorder is on the increase. Early intervention is imperative to help build social and emotional skills, which are essential for learning and life and good future mental health. Working towards this Award over the last six months has given us the opportunity to celebrate the wonderful work we already do to support mental health and wellbeing and put an action plan in place to continue to enhance this work across the wider Trust.” Andrea Brown, Headteacher of Ab Kettleby and Somerby Primary Schools
“The teachers in school always take time for us, always understand our feelings and always put children first.” Head Girl, Ab Kettleby Primary School
“In total we have had 410 primary schools across the UK achieve our school Mental Health Award since it started in 2017: 173 have achieved the Bronze Award, 173 have achieved the Silver Award, and 64 have achieved the Gold Award. We are delighted that Ab Kettleby and Somerby Primary Schools have successfully achieved the Silver Award.” Carnegie School of Education, Leeds Beckett University
Find out more about the Mental Health Awards here.