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The Trust has a range of policies that are consistent across each of our settings, and these can be accessed by using the links below.

Each of our individual settings also has a range of policies that are specific to their own organisation. The approval of these policies is delegated through the committees of the governance structure. These policies can be found on the websites for each setting and can be accessed by clicking here.

  1. MET SCH - Pupil Attendance Policy Mar 2022-24 pdf
  2. MET OPS - No Smoking & Vaping Policy - June 2022-24 pdf
  3. MET FIN - Anti Fraud Bribery & Corruption policy - Oct 2022-23 pdf
  4. MET HR - Probation Policy Procedure - August 2023 pdf
  5. MET HR - Leave of Absence Policy - Jun 2022 pdf
  6. MET HR- Disciplinary Policy & Procedure pdf
  7. MET HR - Recruitment and Selection Policy - Jan 2023 pdf
  9. MET - ICT and Internet acceptable use Policy approved Mar 2023 pdf
  10. MET Complaints Policy 2023-25 approved september 23 pdf
  11. MET FIN - Financial Regulations - Jun 2023 pdf
  12. MET Data Protection Policy - 2023-24 approved June 2023 pdf
  13. Freedom of Information - Information and charges 2023-24 - approved July 23 pdf
  14. MET - Privacy Notice for Alumni 2023-24 Approved June 23 pdf
  15. MET - Privacy Notice for Suppliers 2023-24 approved June 2023 pdf
  16. MET - Privacy Notice for Parents and Carers - use of your personal data 2023-24 approved June 2023 pdf
  17. MET - Privacy Notice for Pupils 2023-24 approved June 2023 pdf
  18. MET - Privacy Notice for Volunteers 2023-24 approved Jun 2023 pdf
  19. MET - Privacy Notice for Visitors 2023-24 Approved June 2023 pdf
  20. MET - Privacy Notice for the Trust Workforce 2023-24 approved June 2023 pdf
  21. MET - Privacy Notice for Job Applicants 2023-24 Approved June 2023 pdf
  22. MET HR - Sickness Absence Policy and Procedure June-2023.307361106 pdf
  23. MET HR - Family Leave Policy June 2023 pdf
  24. MET HR - Family Leave Forms June 2023 pdf
  25. MET SCH Child Protection Policy approved September 2024 pdf
  26. MET HR - Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy Oct 2023-2026 approved pdf
  27. MET OPS - Whistleblowing policy Oct 2023-25 approved pdf
  28. MET HR - Grievance Policy and Procedures January 2024-25 Approved pdf
  29. MET IT - Social Media Policy March 2024-26 Approved pdf
  30. MET IT - Online Safety Policy March 2024-26 Approved pdf
  31. MET SCH - Trustwide Children with medical needs who cannot attend school policy March 2024 approved pdf
  32. MET EST - Health & Safety Policy May 2024-26 Approved pdf
  33. MET FIN - Charging and Remissions Policy - May 2024-25 Approved pdf
  34. MET FIN - Expenses policy - May 2024-25 approved pdf
  35. MET HR - Flexible Working Policy May 2024-25 Approved pdf
  36. MET SCH - Remote Learning Policy May 2024-26 Approved pdf